
F1/10 Autonomous Racing

Assembly a F1/10 car and utilized C++ via ROS to code different algorithm to make car perform different behaviors. 1). Utilized simple PD controller to complete wall following. 2). Applied reactive method: follow the gap to achieve run a lap without hitting obstacles. 3). Utilized SLAM to locate car then ran car with Pure Pursuit as global planner and RRT* as local planner.

Obstacle Avoidance: Path Planning and MPC Tracking

In our project, the cart is running from a predefined source point to a destination point on a map with some fixed x and y boundaries. On the map we generate some randomly distributed obstacles with random sizes and shapes unknown to the cart. When the cart “detects” the obstacle, it will follow the path we planned to avoid collision.

ODrive Hopper Robot

Using mechanical design inspired by the [Ghost Minitaur]( and the open-source motor controller hardware from the [Stanford Doggo](, we built an open-source two-degree-of-freedom hopping robot. The robot hops using a Raibert-inspired reactive controller on the leg length and velocity.